Weblogic Server Domain Creation Easy Steps
Today we will learn
how to create weblogic domain using weblogic.Server class.
- First install weblogic server, i have installed weblogic 10.3
- Create a empty directory with domain name as you wish, i have created as TD2 (C:OracleWeblogicuser_projectsdomainsTD2)
- Now we will set the environment , navigate to your weblogic home directory as below and invoke setWLSEnv.cmd like “C:OracleWeblogicwlserver_10.3serverbinsetWLSEnv.cmd”
- Post your environment is set, navigate to the empty domain directory created and execute the below command.
e=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic1 -Dweblogic.Domain=TD2 -Dwebl
ogic.Name=AdminServer -Dweblogic.ListenPort=7001 -Dweblogic.management.GenerateD
efaultConfig=true weblogic.Server
e=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic1 -Dweblogic.Domain=TD2 -Dwebl
ogic.Name=AdminServer -Dweblogic.ListenPort=7001 -Dweblogic.management.GenerateD
efaultConfig=true weblogic.Server
- Post executing the above command it will create a domain with TD2 name and parallely starts the admin server on port 7001.
- The folder structure in the domain would be same as if you are creating with config wizard.