Configuring JDBC in Weblogic
Hi All,
Here we will see how to
configure Datasource in Weblogic Server using Admin
1) Select Services
->JDBC ->Data Sources” in “Domain Structure” panel.
2) Select “Lock and edit” in “Change center” panel.
3) Select “New” in main panel.
4) Enter “Name” as TestDS.
5) Enter “JNDI Name” as mxnode1/jdbc/TestDSDB
6) Select “Database Type” as
7) Select “Database Driver” as
“Oracle’s Driver (Thin) Versions:9.0.1,9.2.0,10″.
8) Select “Next“.
9) In “Transaction Options”
verify that only “Supports Global Transactions” and “One Phase Commit” are
10) Select “Next“.
11) Enter database name, host name, port, user name, password of the
database you just created for DevDB.
12) Select “Next“.
13) Select “Test Configuration”
and verify that it is successful in the “Messages” section.
14) Select “Next“.
15) In “Select Targets” check “AdminServer” or “Cluster“.
16) Select “Finish” and verify
that no errors are reported in the “Messages”
17) In the Data Sources
table click TestDS.
18) In “Settings for TestDS”
select the Connection Pool tab and change the value of “Maximum Capacity” to
19) Click Save and
verify setting were successfully updated in the Messages section.
20) Select “Activate changes” in “Change center” panel
and verify that there are no errors.