Weblogic Server Cluster Multicast Test

Weblogic Server Cluster Multicast Test

Multicast Testing

This forum gives multicast testing methodology used in weblogic clusters.Those who have implemented horizontal clustering and wanta to debug multicast problems ..this forum is useful.
Each WebLogic Server instance in a cluster uses multicast to broadcast regular heartbeat messages that advertise its availability.By monitoring heartbeat messages, server instances in a cluster determine when a server instance has failed.
Below is the command to do multicast testing :
java utils.MulticastTest -n name -a address [-p portnumber]   [-t timeout] [-s send]
  • -n is any name used to identify the messages sent and received from each multitest process
  • -a is multicast address where the cofigured clsutered members are communicating
  • -p is multicast port which is optional and defaults to admin server port if unset
  • -t is idle timeout in seconds . Default value is 600 secs
  • -s is send sec, default is 2 secs.
Below is the example executed in real time
# java utils.MulticastTest -N Test1 -A
Set up to send and receive on Multicast on Address on port 5008
Will send a sequenced message under the name Test1 every 2 seconds.
Received message 112 from Test1
Received message 234 from Test2
I (Test1) sent message num 108
Received message 108 from Test1
Received message 239 from Test2
I (Test1) sent message num 109
Received message 109 from Test1
Received message 240 from Test2
I (Test1) sent message num 110
Received message 110 from Test1
Received message 241 from Test2
I (Test1) sent message num 111
Received message 111 from Test1
Received message 242 from Test2
I (Test1) sent message num 112
Received message 112 from Test1
Received message 243 from Test2

In the same way test2 multicast process can be viewed in other box too.
If a timeout occurs in network care interface, the exception is sent to stdout log as below:

HTTP Session Management in Oracle Weblogic Server

  • Web applications use HTTP sessions to track information in server memory for each client.
  • By default, when a client fails over to another server in the cluster, its session information is lost.
  • Oracle WebLogic Server supports several Session Replication strategies to recover sessions from failed servers.
In-memory replication
JDBC replication
File replication
  • Replication is configured for each Web application within its weblogic.xml file.

In Memory Replication

  • Each user’s session always exists on two servers that is primary and secondary
  • Every update to the primary session is automatically replicated on the secondary server, either synchronously (default) or asynchronously (batch).
  • Oracle WebLogic Server uses nonpersistent cookies to track the primary and secondary servers for each client.
  • Subsequent requests from the same client must be directed to the same primary server by the proxy.
  • The server that is being failed over to automatically assumes the role of the primary server.
WLS can replicate:
HttpSession objects
Stateful session EJBs
Session objects exist on only two servers.
The server is determined by the replication group and machine definition.The object is created immediately after the primary object is created.Primary failure makes the backup object the primary object.

Configuring In-Memory Replication

Specify the persistence type in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor; the options include:
  • replicated
  • replicated-if-clustered
  • async-replicated
  • async-replicated-if-clustered


HTTP Session : Replication using JDBC

  • HTTP sessions can be persisted to a database using a common JDBC data source.
  • The required Data Definition Language (DDL) file is available in the documentation.
  • All members of the cluster have access to any client’s session for failover purposes (no primary or secondary).

Configuring JDBC Replication

  • Create the required table in the database.
  • Create a JDBC data source that has read/write privileges for your database.
  • Configure JDBC session persistence in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor.

JDBC Persistent table configuration

A database table named WL_SERVLET_SESSIONS must exist with read/write access:
Column Head
Column Data Type
char, 100 variable width char

numeric, 20 digits
char, 1 character
BLOB, very large
numeric, 20 digits
numeric, 20 digits

HTTP Session : File Replication

File replication is similar to JDBC replication, but it persists sessions to a highly available file system.

Configuring File Replication

  • Create a folder shared by all servers on the cluster on a highly available file system.
  • Assign read/write privileges to the folder.
  • Configure file session persistence in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor.