Integrating Apache 2.x with IBM Web sphere 5.1 x and above

Integrating Apache 2.x with IBM Web sphere 5.1 x and above

1. Download the Web server plugins for Websphere 5.x from for (5.1x) for (5.0x)
2. Get the file mod_was_ap20_http.dll from the plugin and copy it in
Apache modules directory i.e /modules directory.
3. Get the plugin-cfg.xml (from Websphere) file
This can be got by
1. Running the command GenPluginCfg in the
bin directory (GenPluginCfg.bat)
(where WAS_ROOT is the Websphere Application Server installation directory)
The Plugin-cfg.xml file will be created in the location
2. Running Websphere admin console and exporting the plugin.
Login to the admin console (at port 9090 i.e webspherehostip:9090) (This doesn’t require a user ID or a password)
Goto Environment -> Update Web Server Plugin
Click OK to update the plugin configuration file.
The Plugin-cfg.xml file will be created in the location below
4. Copy the plugin-cfg.xml file in Apache modules directory
i.e /modules directory.
5. Add these lines in the httpd.conf file in the /conf directory.
LoadModule was_ap20_module modules/mod_was_ap20_http.dll
WebSpherePluginConfig modules/plugin-cfg.xml
6. You can change the location of the log file generated by the plugin by editing the plugin-cfg.xml file. For example, if the Plugin
error log is to be generated in the apache logs directory, the plugin-cfg.xml file can be edited as follows.
A simplified form of the plugin-cfg.xml file is shown below.


7.Now restart Websphere and Apache server and type
http://apachehostip/snoop and you can see the Websphere’s snoop servlet in the browser.
Steps for Apache with IBM Web sphere using mod_proxy:
From Apache side:
Edit the httpd.conf file in the /conf directory
Add the following lines:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
#Here Apache and Web logic are running in the same machine.
#Change the IP address to if Websphere is running in a
#different box
NameVirtualHost apachehostip:80
#Here Apache is configured as a proxy server

ProxyPass / http://webspherehostip:9080/
ProxyPassReverse / http:// webspherehostip:9080/
#The default listening port for IBM Websphere application server is 9080
#If you want to proxy requests for admin console, use 9090 instead.
Now restart the Apache server and type
and you can see the Websphere’s snoop servlet in the browser.
Integrating Apache 2.x with IBM Web sphere 5.1 x and above