Comparision between Apache and IIS

Comparision between Apache and IIS| Comparision between IIS and Apache


  • IIS has been an optional component of the Windows Server operating systems since Windows NT 4.0. Back then; this was a basic Web server in the form of IIS 3.0. An Option Pack, released shortly after Windows NT 4.0 was released, included IIS 4.0 and was the first “real” version of IIS to be used heavily as a Web server platform.
  • IIS 5.0 was included in Windows 2000 in both the server and desktop versions, and the updated version, IIS 5.1, is incorporated into Windows XP. The changes between IIS 4 and IIS 5 are fairly minor.
  • Windows Server 2003 includes the new IIS 6.0, which is an almost complete rewrite from the previous editions. It sports a new execution model, better management facilities, and significantly increased performance.
  • Apache, on the other hand, has an older heritage; having been originally based on the httpd code that some would argue started the entire Web revolution in the first place. Apache 1.3.x, which was the production version until 2002, was a largely UNIX product that used a number of tricks to enable it to execute within other operating systems, including Windows.
  • The production release of Apache 2.0 hit the shelves in 2002. The new release incorporated a brand-new execution environment that separated the core functionality of the Apache system from the system that actually supported and processed requests. Apache 2.0 is now supported under a wide array of potential operating systems, including all versions of Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X, in addition to an array of non mainstream OS’s, like BeOS and VMS.

Execution Environment:

  • IIS and Apache operate very differently and thus have a variety of advantages of disadvantages. IIS is obviously designed and available to work only within the Windows environment. With IIS 6.0, the only platform currently supported is Windows Server 2003. Although this limits the deployment platforms for IIS-based Web services, it also provides a number of benefits, including greater cooperation with the host operating system and easier management and control through a variety of standard OS tools and utilities.
  • In IIS 6.0, the cooperation between the operating system and the server is greater than ever. In a change to previous versions, the component that accepts requests from clients and processes them is now two separate components. The kernel mode listener, HTTP.sys, listens and accepts requests from clients, placing the requests into one or more request queues. IIS then processes the requests in these queues using at least one worker process to control the execution of the individual requests and applications.
  • This separate process allows requests to be accepted even when IIS worker processes aren’t technically running, and also enables finer control on the worker processes that handle requests. Thus, the admin (or the server, automatically) can recycle requests to recover from extension and application failures that would have previously required a shutdown/restart of the IIS service or, in extreme cases, a reboot of the entire server.
  • Apache 2.0 was a major rewrite from the previous versions. Among the many changes, the Web server is now directly available on a variety of platforms, including Windows. The redesign enables it to support a wide array of platforms in more efficient ways that lead to UNIX and Windows-specific execution models that make the best use of the OS.
  • The core of the system is the Apache Portable Runtime (APR), which enables the Apache core to run on more or less any system with a C compiler. A number of multi-processing modules (MPMs) then provide the support for actually accepting and processing requests. Under UNIX, this can be the traditional “forked” model or a newer threaded model making use of the threading built into most modern kernels. Under Windows, this also uses a threaded model, which in some respects is similar to the threaded model used by the worker processes within IIS 6.0.


Independent Request Handler
Yes (limited)

Multiple Process Request Handlers

Thread Support
Yes (on a suitable OS)

Dynamic Components:

  • The primary dynamic environment for development within IIS is Active Server Pages. This is a generic term for a solution that allows code to be embedded into HTML pages. These ASP pages are parsed by the server before being supplied to the client as HTML. The ASP system allows developers to work in a number of different languages, including Visual Basic, VBScript, JavaScript, Java, and C/C++, along with other open source alternatives, such as Perl and Python. In addition, IIS continues to support traditional CGI methods along with its own suite of filtering and execution systems in the form of ISAPI filters.
  • Apache is also designed to work with a wide range of languages, either via the CGI model, or through the use of dynamic modules by directly incorporating the language interpreter into the Apache environment. This significantly speeds up the execution of dynamic components for languages like PHP, Perl, and Python.
  • Both systems support the Java Server Pages model, and it’s possible to migrate most JSP applications between the two platforms with few changes. Other languages can achieve this with varying results. Even ASP can be supported under UNIX through the ChilliSoft ASP component (, through the Apache: ASP module, or the Apache modmono module (
  • One element that currently cannot be emulated under UNIX is the Microsoft.NET environment. IIS 6.0 and Windows Server 2003 make heavy use and provide excellent levels of integration with the .NET Framework.

Feature       IIS              Apache

ASP                  Yes                  With Chilisoft, Apache: ASP, or modmono

CGI                   Yes                  Yes

Perl                  Yes                  Yes

Python            Yes                 Yes

PHP                 Yes                 Yes

JSP                   Yes                  Yes

.NET Integrated          Yes        No


Security and Authentication:

  • IIS benefits from close integration with the operating system. The same user and group configuration system that powers the main authorization system within Windows also provides security and authentication services for the main IIS system. It reduces the management overhead by supporting only one system, and enables the sys admin to automatically log in users through an intranet, assuming they are already authenticated within the Windows environment.
  • Because the same system is used throughout the OS, it can also be used to define security and access to different components of the file system on which the Web site relies. For example, when a user logs on to the Web site, his ability to browse the directories within the site is defined by one set of user and group structures.
  • Apache’s security and administration system is not this well-integrated with the OS’s it supports. Although there are modules and adaptors that support a variety of different authentication and security sources, including Active Directory, the UNIX passwd file, and LDAP servers, the resulting server is relatively isolated from the system it supports. For example, when a user authenticates against the UNIX passwd file, Apache still ignores the file permissions on the underlying file system.
  • In terms of secure transactions, both systems support encryption technology in SSL, and can be used with IPSec implementations and IPv6.

Feature                     IIS                        Apache

Secure Login                   Yes                                  Yes

SSL                                      Yes                                  Yes

Basic Authentication  Yes                                  Yes

Digest Authentication Yes                                 Yes

LDAP Authentication  Yes                                 Yes

Active Directory Authentication   Yes         Only with third-party modules

Passport Authentication       Yes                       No


  • Gauging performance is always difficult because no matter how identical the systems to be tested are, minute changes in their configurations can have a dramatic effect on performance. It is possible to pick a “winner” based on bare-bones installations of both systems on the same hardware, but this doesn’t really reflect the true performance capabilities of a system in the field. It’s equally possible to configure one Apache and one IIS system to be either over- and under-efficient, again skewing the potential results.
  • Instead it’s better to look at the potential capabilities of each system. IIS incorporates a wide range of features designed to improve performance. The worker process execution model provides significant performance benefits on multiprocessor machines, and the ASP and ISAPI extensions enable applications to be executed directly from within the processes handling the requests. The kernel mode driver, HTTP.sys, is also capable of serving pages directly from the cache (memory or disk) for both static and dynamic components, eliminating the need to send the request to a worker process. IIS automatically caches pages generated from dynamic elements to speed up responses.
  • Under Apache, the same ranges of facilities are present. Much information can be cached, and tools like mod_perl and mod_php enable the execution of dynamic and template pages almost as quickly as static pages. Like ASP and ISAPI filters under IIS, the modules effectively place the interpreter directly within the Apache executable, eliminating the need to run an external application and greatly improving performance.

    Feature                           IIS                              Apache

In-Memory Cache                           Yes                                            Yes

On Disk Cache                                  Yes                                            Yes, with mod_file_cache

Built-In Execution support          Yes, with a suitable ISAPI filter   Yes, with suitable modules

Cached Execution support          Yes, with ASP/ASP.NET      Yes, with mod_perl and others


  • The two systems differ radically when it comes to management. The only method of administering Apache is through a simple text-based configuration file. Although a variety of command line, Web, and GUI interface tools are available, they all rely on the central text file to actually the update the configuration. Comanche, for example, provides a full interface to the Apache system. A list of alternative GUIs, both stand-alone and Web-based, is online at
  • Using a text file this way has its advantages; it’s easy to share configuration information between machines by copying the relevant content from the text file. The primary disadvantage is that it’s relatively easy to corrupt the file and therefore upset the configuration. Without a “soft” restart, Apache cannot update its configuration, so before restarting Apache the admin must ensure the configuration file is working. This can be achieved using a built-in testing mechanism.
  • IIS, on the other hand, offers a number of different interfaces to modify the configuration of the system. Although the underlying configuration is primarily stored in an XML-based text file, the IIS system enables the admin to change the configuration and the underlying file while the system is still running. Because the file is XML, it has a more rigid structure, yet is still flexible enough to support the different configuration options. For remote support, Windows Server 2003 also incorporates a telnet server, which keeps the XML Metabase modifiable and allows the use of various command-line tools for remote server management.
  • The various editing interfaces include a GUI-based interface through the Microsoft Management Console, a Web-based administration system, and a suite of command line tools for adding, updating, and configuring different components. Admins can also edit the XML file live and have saved changes automatically reflected within the IIS system. The XML format also makes it easy to export and import configuration information between machines to share configuration details.
  • System for system, there is not a huge amount to compare. The MMC within IIS provides a consistent and distributed interface for updating the configuration across a wide range of machines. However, Web-based administration tools, like Webmin, or dedicated GUI tools, like Comanche, can provide the same functionality.

Feature                             IIS                               Apache

Text File Configuration        Yes, through XML Metabase            Yes

Command Line Management   Yes                                   Limited

Remote CLI                                Yes                                               Yes

Web-Based Management     Yes                                         Yes, through Webmin and others

GUI-Based Management       Yes                                         Yes, through Comanche and others


  • This last comparison is probably the most contentious when comparing IIS and Apache. There’s very little differentiation between the most recent versions both applications.
  • IIS 6.0 now provides extensive management and control systems over the worker processes that control most requests. To improve the reliability, IIS can also compartmentalize applications, giving them their own memory and execution space, or using a space shared with other applications. This means that when an application causes a problem, it dies within the worker process and doesn’t affect any of the other applications or the request processing core in the process.
  • Apache automatically handles much of the process and thread management aspects, but memory and application isolation is still an issue that has not been effectively resolved or covered. Apache avoids some of the problems by automatically recycling components, with the core continuing to run even in the event of a serious failure in one of the components. There are still situations, however, where Apache may need to be restarted.
  • One example of this is the configuration of the Apache system itself. For a Web site running from an IIS-based server, most updates and improvements will have no effect on users’ ability to access them because the configuration changes are made while the system is still running. Apache, however, requires a notional restart.
  • That said, the use of .htaccess within Apache means many items that normally need modification through the course of a Web site’s life can be handled dynamically.

Feature                                                   IIS                              Apache

Process/Thread Management                          Yes                                        Yes

Isolated Applications                                           Yes                                         Limited

Live Configuration Editing                                 Yes                                        No


  • Despite the array of differences between the two systems, choosing between them comes down to the needs and requirements of the organization and, to a lesser extent, the personal needs and preferences of those using it. For example, many developers prefer to work in Perl in a Unix-based Apache environment, even though Perl and Apache are available under Windows, and Perl is supported separately under IIS.
  • If server management is a prime concern, then the extensive management capabilities of IIS may be the way to go. The security aspect and integration with Active Directory, and therefore the rest of the security mechanisms, is also a major benefit.
  • However, it’s important not to ignore the cost of deployment issue. Apache is free, and can be installed on OS’s like Linux that are also free. IIS is available only as part of Windows Server 2003. Although a new Windows Server 2003, Web Edition is available at a significant discount compared to its Standard Edition cousin, it is still, at least on the surface, more expensive than Apache.